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“Messo t’ho innanzi:
omai per te ti ciba”
(Paradiso, X, 25)


Foreign Psychosynthesis

A new method of healing - PsS 1927 - by Roberto Assagioli
Training - A Statement - by Roberto Assagioli
Opening Address to Val Morin Conference - by Roberto Assagioli
About interindividual and social psychosynthesis - by Roberto Assagioli
Jung and Psychosynthesis - by Roberto Assagioli
Some spiritual aspects of Psychosynthesis - by Roberto Assagioli
R. Assagioli launches First Discussions - May 23-25 1958
Assagioli and Maslow Meet - May 29 1958
Discussion between Assagioli and Martha Crampton - 1966-05
Roberto Assagioli - collected  works -
Roberto Assagioli on I and Center -
About Failure of Psychosynthesis in North America -
About the Use of Will in Disidentification and Affirmation -
RA - PsS and the Esoteric Roots of Tranpersonal Psychology - by Al Mankoff
Reinterpretation of Wilber's Life-Cycle View of Psychosynthesis - by Anett Wannamaker
Psychosynthesis and Jung in a Nutshell - by Catherine Ann Lombard
A Snapshot of the Philosophical Library - by Catherine Ann Lombard
A Basic Psychosynthesis Model of Counselling and Psychotherapy - by David E. Platts
Diana Becchetti talks to June Posey -
The spirit of Psychosynthesis - by Diana Becchetti
The Wall of Silence Dialogue, Continued - by Douglas Russell
Seven Basic Constructs of Psychosynthesis - by Douglas Russell
Psychosynthesis and Western Psychology - by Douglas Russell
PsS - A Psychotherapist's Personal Overview - by Frank Haronian
The Repression of the Sublime - by Frank Haronian
Transpersonal Psychology at a Crossroads - by Frank Visser
Ian Gordon-Brown talks to June Posey -
Psychosynthesis at School 1964-1981 - by Isabelle C. Kung
How I Taught Self-Identification to Young Adults - by Isabelle Kung
Self-identification - “Everyday hygiene” - by Isabelle C. Kung
Words have purpose - by Isabelle C. Kung
A Comparison Study - by James V. Shaughnessy
I and Thou - Dialogues between self and Self - by Jan Kuniholm
Sleepers, Awake! - by Jan Kuniholm
Will and Surrender - by Jan Kuniholm
My association with the P.R.F. and its pioneers - by John H. Parks
Personal and spiritual psychosynthesis  - by John H. Parks
Integral Psychosynthesis - by Kenneth Sorensen
Psychosynthesis and Evolutionary Panentheism - by Kenneth Sorensen
Why Assagioli Put a Star in the Sky - by Kenneth Sørensen
Psychosynthesis and Psychoenergetics - by Kenneth Sørensen
The Two-Fold Path of Awakening - by Lee Bladon
From Psychoanalysis to Psychosynthesis - by Lilian Gibson
Empowerment of the Will through Life Coaching - by Martha Crampton
PsS - Some Key Aspects of Theory and Practice - by Martha Crampton
Choosing Embodiment - by Penelop Andrade
The Superconscious and the Self - by R. Assagioli - J. Vargiu
Descent of the Higher Self - by Tom Yeomans
Soul-wound and Psychotherapy - by Tom Yeomans
The Embodied Soul - Spirituality in the XXI Century - by Tom Yeomans
The Third Awakening - by Tom Yeomans
The Gentle Synthesizer - by Vin Rosenthal
The Core of an Authentic Psychosynthesis Training - by Will Parfitt
Psychosynthesis - An Introduction - by Will Parfitt
The Tree, the Egg and the Serpent - by Will Parfitt
Debate Meeting on the Self - Institute Florence - March 2015
Excerpts from PRF Newsletter 1958-1974 -
Disidentification and Self-identification Exercise - a new proposal -